April 25

The EB-5 Clean-Up Crew Provides a Smoother Path to EB-5 Approvals


No matter what happens at the end of April with the Regional Center Program facing expiration and an uncertain future, one thing is clear: Navigating the EB-5 process is challenging and time-consuming. The stakes are high – there is no room for error at any step of the way throughout the complex process. Without expert guidance and oversight, many entities seeking to develop an EB-5 package find themselves stressed over each step and sweating the results.

At e-Council, Inc., we have successfully provided guidance to many clients through the entire process with our superior-quality work product and unique EB-5 quarterbacking services. Our clients generally connect with us at the point when they are exploring the idea of raising funds from EB-5 investors. Developers can rest easy in the knowledge that, as experts, we have the combination of knowledge and experience to ensure that all project components are consistent and accurate. However, some clients come to us either before or after filing, having realized that their many service providers were not communicating with each other and therefore inconsistencies happened within the project documents which were likely to result in costly and time-consuming Requests for Evidence (RFE’s). These clients need an experienced team to step in and “clean up” the situation in order for the application to move forward successfully. Thus, e-Council, Inc.’s The EB-5 Clean-Up CrewTM was born!

Our EB-5 Clean-Up CrewTM will come in at any point in the process. The most critical piece of our process is a comprehensive review of all documents and a detailed analysis of the project. Our team of professionals will provide business owners, developers, project sponsors and regional center owners with the insight and guidance that they need to coordinate, and keep, their project on track for success. Within that comprehensive review of documents, we will ensure their sufficiency, accuracy, consistency and compliance. The review will include, but not be limited to, the following critical components of most EB-5 offerings:

  • Securities Counsel: to create a private placement memorandum (offering document) and supporting documents.
  • Immigration Counsel: to file applicable USCIS investor template documentation.
  • Market study: used to substantiate the viability of the business, given current conditions and trends and is critical to the overriding credibility factor for EB-5 business plans; includes a competitive analysis.
  • Economic Impact Report: comprehensive job projection report prepared by a qualified economist using USCIS-approved input/output models to demonstrate the creation of at least ten qualifying jobs per investor.
  • 5-Year financial projections: as calculated by a CPA.
  • Matter of Ho-compliant business plans: comprehensive and credible EB-5 business plans that comply with Matter of Ho, the relevant case in the area.


If our Crew finds deficiencies within or between these documents, we will provide recommendations and offer the opportunity to personally make any necessary changes. e-Council, Inc. has the means to resolve and fix many of the issues in-house! And, in addition to our in-house crew members, we can also include other professionals such as securities counsel, immigration counsel, economists, and CPA’s as needed to revise such components as offering documents, economic impact reports, or investor templates. We know what your project needs and we have the connections to access experts in each area in order to facilitate a successful result.

Thus, The EB-5 Clean-Up CrewTM helps clients to:

  • Bridge the gaps between knowledge and results,
  • Build the project/business,
  • Focus on approval,
  • Raise capital more quickly,
  • Consider future projects, and, as a result, facilitate the process for stakeholders pursuing the American Dream.


In short, if you’re not an EB-5 expert (or even if you are) and/or if you have any uncertainty that your team, whether EB-5 savvy or not, was properly managed and as there was not a single point-of-contact professional overseeing the process, you should ask yourself a few questions before moving forward:

  • Are you sure that everything is accurate and consistent?
  • Did you compromise or cut any corners on quality and/or consistency in an effort to save time and/or money?
  • Do you have a plan in the event you receive RFE’s? How will you provide the necessary documentation? Who will coordinate the process?


The fact is, those who attempt to pursue EB-5 capital and put together the myriad of pieces that comprise EB-5 projects without the help of a quarterback or similar coordinator often cost themselves a lot in wasted time, stress, and money. e-Council Inc. has developed The EB-5 Clean-Up CrewTM in response to demand for such coordination and, ultimately, revision.  At the end of the day, you simply can’t beat expert guidance and it’s always worth the investment! No matter where you are in the process, e-Council, Inc.’s The EB-5 Clean-Up CrewTM can make sure every “t” is crossed and every “i” is dotted. The EB-5 Clean-Up CrewTM is relentless in our pursuit of quality, consistency and approval, and all of our resources are here for you!

Whether you’re an applicant, a business owner or an investor, it’s never too late to ensure you’re on track for success. Contact us for more information at Info@eCouncilInc.com or 1.866.724.0085 to find out more about The EB-5 Clean-Up CrewTM.

e-Council Inc.’s website, newsletter and other forms of communication contain general information about legal matters. The information is not legal advice and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to legal advice from an attorney or other professional legal services provider. For specific questions about any legal matter please consult with an attorney or other professional services provider.



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