October 15

Learn About the Top 10 Mistakes People Make when Investing Across Borders!


Mistake #1 – Professional Team

1.  Failure to hire the right team of professionals (lawyers/CPAs/financial advisors/banking and financing professionals/cross-border tax advisors).

SMART PEOPLE use the talents and experience of other SMART PEOPLE to give themselves every possible chance of a successful outcome to the task at hand. Would you have a complicated medical or dental procedure done by a classical musician or a barista? OF COURSE NOT! That person might be the greatest violinist in the world, or might make the most delicious specialty coffee of all time, but you would never have them perform your heart bypass surgery. Why should it be any different in the international business world?

Most business leaders are not experts in the many social, governmental, economic and legal aspects of cross-border business transactions (or of domestic transactions for that matter). Expertise in many of these areas is particularly essential in identifying and developing new markets and investing in foreign countries. The most experienced and sophisticated global business leaders regularly use cross-border consultants, such as the vetted team of experts at e-Council Global, to provide crucial planning advice and development guidance.

To name a few, the e-Council Global team can:

  • Assess an organization’s future activities in foreign markets, such as opening a new facility or identifying a new business partner. 
  • Work closely with management and executive teams to develop strategic plans for both existing and emerging markets.
  • Collaborate across disciplines within an organization, including accounting, legal, human resources, IT, market research, and other business-line leaders.

Complicated business issues such as choosing the most advantageous business structure, understanding tax issues at home and abroad, and evaluating crucial legal and immigration business factors all require professional and experienced guidance. The right international business consultant can ensure successful navigation of the red tape, rules and regulations that are integral components driving business success, freeing you and your team up to RUN YOUR BUSINESS!

It is finding the right consultant that can and does make all of the difference in your success. Lauren Cohen, Esq., and her team of experienced professionals at e-Council Global have years of international legal/business expertise and immediate access to a seasoned collaborative group of ancillary tax, banking and finance experts to meet all of your cross-border consulting needs.

To access the professional team of experts at e-Council Global to ensure your smooth path to cross-border expansion, investing and visas, contact e-Council Global at Founder@ecouncilglobal.com or toll-free at 1-866-724-0085.

e-Council Global/e-Council Inc.com’s website, newsletter and other forms of communication contain general information about legal matters. The information is not legal advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to legal advice from your attorney or other professional legal services provider. If you have any specific questions about any legal matter you should consult your attorney or other professional legal services provider.


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